Sensfix is thrilled to announce we were chosen to be a part of 5G Technology Accelerator – a programme organized by Łódź Special Economic Zone. The S5 programme, i.e. the 5G Technology Accelerator, implemented by the Łódź Special Economic Zone, is gaining momentum. Innovative companies from the SME sector start their business adventure in Łódź. Thanks to the S5 accelerator of the Łódź Special Economic Zone, startups are developing the first industrial solutions using the 5G technology.
The acceleration process was divided into two rounds. In the first one, 40 startups were invited to, and they will receive 50,000 PLN for the incubation of the idea, which will last up to three months. 20 startups with the most interesting ideas qualified for the second round. In the second phase, lasting up to nine months, they can count on 550,000 PLN support for refining and implementing innovations.
Dr Thorsten Störmer, Managing Director of Miele Technika sp. z o.o. comments: “Continuous improvement and striving to be better lies in our company’s DNA. 5G, the new generation of radio technology, has the potential to make our visions come true. Production with real-time data transfer between a large number of different sensors, artificial intelligence, augmented reality to connect and train our experts around the world, and wireless robots that work together – all this will increase efficiency and quality”.
Sensfix was selected for the program as its innovative machine operation software improves the efficiency of factory operations and maintenance, and reduces potential equipment downtime. In the platform under development, we use machine learning/artificial intelligence algorithms to predict failures. We then use predictive intelligence so that machines can plan their own work, their service tasks. The organization of tasks is easily digitized on the sensfix platform by the operations and maintenance managers. The solution uses 5G technology, thanks to which sensor data is collected at very high frequencies and more accurate artificial intelligence models allow for better prediction of undesirable downtime in factories.
The Łódź Special Economic Zone programme has opened new development opportunities for big business and young companies, using fifth generation technology. Startups in the S5 project can count on ŁSEZ co-financing the development of innovations, but most of all they gain a huge package of technological knowledge and the possibility of cooperation with mature businesses. Among partners and recipients of the solutions prepared by startups are companies such as: Miele, Wielton, Ericsson, PGE (which is the largest power producing company in Poland). For the industry there are new opportunities in the field of digital solutions using, among others, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and data analysis. For startups, it is an opportunity to test solutions and connectivity in real production conditions.
As industry experts say, 5G will fuel innovation at the edge because it will speed up compute and processing power at the network edge. Ultra-fast speeds and data transferring won‘t only be available to devices, but also at the edge of the network. 5G and edge computing will bring to life a variety of new use cases behind the scenes, especially in the IoT and connected devices space for businesses and in the home. The 4G network can‘t handle this need for computing at the edge.
The Łódź Special Economic Zone (SEZ) was established in 1997 and comprises the Łódź Province, a part of the Mazowieckie Province and the eastern part of the Wielkopolskie Province. Two international airports located within its borders (Warsaw and Łódź) and a well-developed cargo railroad network, including the Poland-China (Łódź-Chengdu) railroad connection – provide the Łódź SEZ with enormous logistical potential. Thanks to its strategic location, access to well-educated staff and tax incentives, the Łódź SEZ has recently been ranked among the world’s top zones in a ranking prepared by the FDI Magazine (part of the Financial Times group). For more than 4 years the Lodz Special Economic Zone has been building a nationwide innovation hub and creating a local ecosystem to support startups. We are pleased to be part of this innovation ecosystem.
Full article in Polish on the page 44-45: