Together with our partners and New Industrial Order- N.I.O. we are undertaking a new digital transformation project in the manufacturing sector. The EU-funded concept of “Better Factory” will engage Basicpoint – a Romanian company manufacturing office and home furniture, New Industrial Order – a Dutch laboratory for demand-driven design and Sensfix as a tech supplier. Harnessing its expertise and best practices by working with the large enterprise customers, Sensfix will customize its platform to accelerate digitalization of Basicpoint factory’s devices.
The purpose is first to create a digital twin of the factory, then connect it to sensors, equipment and people in the factory, in order to automate workflows in operation and maintenance of the factory. “Smart SME Factory” concept will be run in stages – first as a Proof-of-Concept aimed to optimize Basicpoint’s logistics, production and resource management. Through logistics automation, and automated production, the project aims to eliminate intermediary storage, optimize processes, decrease the ramp-up time for new production batches as well as optimize the usage of resource and raw materials.
One of the benefits of the production optimization will be real-time access to data, better control processes leading to increased profitability and Demand-Driven Manufacturing using AR/VR. For the end-user (Basicpoint’s customers) the main benefit will be ability to personalize their furniture but login to the customer portal. Stay tuned for more news on this exciting project coming soon.