Our client is a leading European manufacturer of lighting systems. Client’s light fittings are used worldwide in — offices, administrative buildings, schools, universities, shopping malls, clinics, hospitals, airports, railway stations, banks, financial institutions, streets, squares, parks, pedestrian zones, private living and working areas.

The Challenge

As of today, when our client’s lighting systems break-down or need maintenance at the end-user’s locations, it goes through the traditional route. End users call up a hotline number, and the client’s customer support team opens up a ticket in the ticketing software which then triggers the service chain laden with various manual and semi-automatic procedures. Having invested aggressively to reduce ticket mismanagement, end user dissatisfaction, the client still had a double digit % customer support fallout rate.
On the other hand, our client had lately adopted the IoT model to position themselves as a leader on predictive maintenance for their manufactured goods. They started collecting data and they were clueless on different ways to monetize the data. They were looking for a solution that could monetize their data and at the same time improve their customer support.

The Solution

Sensfix commissioned its SDM platform with SDM-ComplainAI, SDM-AIoT and SDM-ServiceScanAI modules consisting of unique, stakeholder-specific web and mobile Apps for customer’s Operations & Maintenance team. Sensfix interfaced its cloud-based platform with software systems at the client site and client’s partner sites, to fetch lighting system’s metadata related to its manufacturing, logistics, storage, supply, distribution, delivery, installation, after-sales support including call-center support, ticket platforms, field repair & maintenance and customer support.
SDM platform was integrated with the client’s system to harness client’s IoT data and setup the business logic to analyze the predictive maintenance data coming-in from client’s lighting systems, convert it into meaningful service actions and disseminate Repair & Maintenance schedules, analytics to all stakeholder apps in real-time. SDM-AIoT diagnosed and determined impending failure, planned a future repair & maintenance job, enabled the enterprise Lighting system to launch a ticket by itself, schedule a designated service professional by itself (looking into the calendar of the nearest, preferable service person and choosing an earliest time slot possible without overriding an already scheduled task if it had a higher priority), intimate all stakeholders on a chatbot — End user’s owner, End user’s manager, manufacturer, distributor, installer, system integrator etc. and close the ticket and archive it once the repair & maintenance is performed.
Upon service scheduling, service personnel on the ground using their mobile App were guided to run through every step of the Repair & Maintenance lifecycle until job sign-off. In the end a repository of service data was generated by logging in every transaction and every executed service step. Analytics were run on the repository to display useful KPIs, metrics and insights to different stakeholders.
Sensfix implemented an easily scalable platform that can be quickly replicated for other OEM devices produced on the factory floor. Our client can manage operations & maintenance of lighting systems, their performance and sustainability from a single interface to deliver new experiences to end users, new insights to service technicians, and to fulfill the plant owners’ vision for setting up connected maintenance with remote-assist.

The client achieved the following results:

  • Every PoE (Power over Ethernet) lighting system manufactured from the floor of the factory was on boarded onto sensfix platform for its life-time warranty
  • PoE Lighting systems could schedule and manage tickets on their own on the sensfix platform
  • A 24% savings on annual budget for customer support was estimated